How Much Does It Cost to Lease a Copier in 2023?

Copiers in modern offices cannot be overstated. Despite the digital age and the increasing use of electronic documents, paper-based workflows and the need for physical copies still persist in many business environments.

Leasing copiers is a popular option for businesses that want to access the benefits of a copier without making a large upfront investment. It is a financial arrangement where a business rents a copier from a leasing company for a specified period. The business pays monthly lease payments in exchange for the right to use the copier during the lease term.

Why go with leasing?

Leasing copiers can be a cost-effective option for businesses that need access to high-end office equipment but cannot afford the upfront cost of purchasing. In a leasing arrangement, the business pays a fixed monthly fee to the leasing company for the use of the copier for a set period of time, typically between 3-5 years. At the end of the lease, the business can choose to renew the lease, upgrade to a newer model, or return the copier.

The cost of leasing a copier can vary widely depending on factors such as the type of copier, its capabilities, and the length of the lease. Leasing fees can range from $100 to $1,000 or more per month, with an average monthly cost of around $400 to $500.

It is important for businesses to carefully consider their copier needs and budget before entering into a leasing agreement. While leasing can provide access to higher-end equipment, it is important to ensure that the cost of the lease does not exceed the benefits gained from having the equipment. Additionally, businesses should carefully review the terms of the lease agreement, including any fees or penalties for early termination or equipment damage.

Factors Affecting Copier Lease Costs

Copier specifications and features: The specifications and features of the copier can significantly impact the lease cost. Advanced copiers with higher printing speeds, larger paper capacities, color printing capabilities, and additional functionalities such as scanning, faxing, and finishing options tend to have higher lease costs compared to basic models.

Lease duration: The length of the lease agreement can influence the cost. Generally, longer lease durations result in lower monthly payments, while shorter leases may have higher monthly fees but provide flexibility for upgrading to newer models or adjusting to changing business needs.
Monthly volume and usage requirements: The expected monthly volume of printing or copying, as well as the intensity of usage, can affect the lease cost. Higher volume requirements may necessitate a copier with greater durability and higher duty cycle capabilities, which can increase the lease cost.

Additional services and maintenance agreements: Some leasing agreements include additional services such as routine maintenance, technical support, and consumables (toner, ink, paper) as part of the package. These added services can impact the overall lease cost but provide convenience and peace of mind for businesses.

Brand reputation and market demand: The reputation and popularity of the copier brand can influence the lease cost. Well-known brands that are in high demand may come with a premium price. Additionally, market factors such as availability, competition, and technological advancements can affect lease costs.

Leasing Options

It is important to know leasing options when considering acquiring a copier because it provides businesses with flexibility, cost savings, and access to advanced technology.

Operating Lease

An operating lease is a short-term lease agreement typically ranging from 1 to 3 years. It is similar to renting the copier, where the leasing company retains ownership of the equipment. Operating leases are advantageous for businesses that require copiers for a specific project or have a temporary need. At the end of the lease term, the copier is returned to the leasing company.

Capital Lease

A capital lease, also known as a finance lease, is a long-term lease agreement that resembles a purchase. It usually extends beyond the copier’s useful life, and the lessee (business) assumes many ownership responsibilities during the lease period. At the end of the lease term, the lessee typically has the option to purchase the copier at a predetermined price.

Carefully evaluating the pros and cons will help businesses make an informed decision that aligns with their specific needs and budget.


By thoroughly comparing lease terms and understanding all costs involved, businesses can make well-informed decisions. This evaluation helps ensure that the leasing arrangement is financially viable, meets the business’s operational needs, and provides flexibility for future adjustments. Taking the time to assess lease terms upfront can save businesses from potential financial burdens and ensure a favorable leasing experience.